Back-to-back champs geared to tee off at state

Leslie Silverman
The Hill City Rangers golf team has once again taken home the Class 6B Region championship. 
“Last  year  was the first year the  Hill City golf team took a tegion championship. Now we are back-to-back winners,” coach Josh Daiss said.
The Rangers defeated by one stroke both the Wall Eagles and the Philip Scotties,  both of whom tied for second place.
Daiss called the region competition tight and “leaps and bounds’ more challenging than the last several years of play.
While the day at Hart Ranch in Rapid City began cool and sunny, “the rain caught up to us,” Daiss said about the May 20 outing. 
The first group was just finishing when the rain hit, meaning all the other teams had to finish in the rain.
“It was coming down at the end,” Daiss said.
Leo Daiss took fourth place with an 84. Adolph Tyler scored an 89 and finished eighth. Zane Messick was right behind, finishing ninth with a 90. Breylon Rahn took 18th place with a 97.
State competition takes place on June 3-4 at the Brookings Country Club. The team will arrive a few days earlier to get in some practice rounds.
Daiss is optimistic about the Rangers chances of finishing in the top five.
“I really think if we play well we should have a chance to get onto the podium,” he said.
Daiss said most believe Hanson is a favorite to win the state championship.
Daiss says the team is proud to once again represent Hill City at the state meet.

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