Custer FCCLA attends region meet
Kelby Hicks
The Custer FCCLA chapter attended the Region I meeting in Rapid City Jan. 29 with advisor Tiffany Newman and 14 members. Those who attended included chapter officers Remington Miklos, Kelby Hicks, Shaylee Gramkow, Nancy Falkenburg Brown, Ryken Falkenburg Brown and Rachel Miklos, along with other members Hailey Hislop, Sonja Olson, Olivia Wilkins, Ciara Thompson, Eva Studt, Hailee Graf, Abby Studt and Payton Noem. This meeting allowed members to present projects to judges, host workshops and run for state positions.
Six members from the Custer chapter presented a STAR event (professional presentation) with all receiving a gold which included Wilkins and Olson, Rachel Miklos, Remington Miklos, Ryken Falkenburg Brown and Hicks. Nancy Falkenburg Brown presented a job interview and received a gold. At region meetings, the highest level one can receive is a gold, which can be taken to state.
Region I also has three members who are on a state leadership team who are from the Custer chapter including Ryken Falkenburg Brown and Nancy Falkenburg Brown who are members of the national outreach and Kelby Hicks, a member of the current trends.
Custer chapter president Remington Miklos ran for Region I president at this year’s meeting. He was to do an interview, knowledge test and present a speech regarding his knowledge of the organization. During his presentation to Region I chapters, there were voting delegates throughout the crowd who scored him on his physical appearance, speech and three analogy questions. After all voting, delegate score cards were looked over and it was announced he will be the 2020-21 Region I president.
“I’m very proud of all of our chapters’ accomplishments. We will be working very hard over the next few months to prepare for the state conference April 26-28,” Newman said.