It’s been my honor to be your governor

Gov. Kristi Noem

You probably know that President-elect Trump has called on me to serve, if confirmed, as the next secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. It’s a tremendous honor and a great responsibility. The mission is to keep the American people safe from threats to the homeland.
That leaves me in a position where I may say “farewell” to all of you in the very near future. But South Dakota will be in good hands.
Almost seven years ago, people recommended I pick a Sioux Falls businessman to be my running mate. But I didn’t. I asked a West River rancher to join me on the ride of a lifetime. Larry Rhoden stepped up to the plate. He has been more than just a partner in this role—he has been an adviser, a source of wisdom and (this is sometimes more important) a source of laughter.
I chose Larry to run with me because I knew that a day like today might come. I knew that it was always possible that I might not be your governor anymore— whether that circumstance be the result of tragedy or opportunity. So I wanted a partner who would lead this state just as I would. I wanted someone who realized that our rights come from God, not from government—that it is our duty to protect the rights and freedoms of our people. I wanted a friend—and Larry has been a friend since I was first elected to the state legislature almost 20 years ago.
I trust Larry and our leaders in the legislature to knock it out of the park— because that is the trust that the people have bestowed in them.
“Under God, the People Rule.” Our people are worth serving. They are the very best in America. They have been such a blessing and a source of joy to me and my family.
So although I am saying “farewell,” please know that I’m not going far. South Dakota has always been my home—and it is still my home. I will continue to focus on making our people safer, stronger and freer.
To the people of South Dakota, thank you for the incredible honor of serving you as state representative, as congresswoman and now as governor. Thank you for trusting me and for working with me to accomplish incredible things.

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