Lawlessness pervades our society today
We continue to be amazed at the lawlessness being condoned in our country today. One example is so-called sanctuary cities where illegal immigrants are being harbored and protected by city officials who are actively hostile toward federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents whose job it is to round up these people and see that they are deported.
Some of the mayors in these cities actually brag about alerting their illegal citizens to planned ICE raids in their neighborhoods so the illegals can evade arrest and deportation. The sad thing is that nothing is done to punish these elected officials for obstruction of justice and interfering with federal agents. These same ICE agents are called all kinds of nasty names, like Nazis, and vilified for merely doing their jobs as mandated by Congress.
Government agencies in Maryland’s most populous jurisdiction are now banned from cooperating with federal immigration raids or investigations, in what advocates say is the strongest action taken in support of undocumented immigrants in the Washington region.
In July, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich signed the Promoting Community Trust Executive Order, prohibiting all executive-branch departments from, among other things, using local government resources to assist federal agents in civil immigration investigations.
That means they cannot allow U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers into nonpublic spaces in government buildings or give them access to individuals in county government custody — unless they are in possession of a court order or criminal warrant.
This lawlessness is coming home to roost in many of these cities and citizens should be getting fed up with it. Montgomery County, Md., is the largest county in that state and is adjacent to Washington, D.C. It has been in the news lately because of seven rapes reported in the past five weeks, all reportedly committed by illegal aliens.
In one of the most violent rapes, an illegal immigrant is alleged to have crawled into the bed of a 16-year-old girl while she was taking a nap and placing a knife against her throat before proceeding to rape her. The Montgomery County Police Department reports Nelson Saul Reyes-Medrano, 46, is charged with first-degree rape, sex abuse of a minor and first-degree assault in connection with the late August 2019 attack.
An ICE spokesman said the accused was living in the U.S. illegally and that the federal law enforcement agency has lodged a detainer against him. The accused reportedly was living in the same apartment as the victim, who told authorities she felt someone get on her bed, she opened her eyes and saw Reyes-Medrano get on top of her. A county district court denied bond for the accused, citing the severity of the charges and pending ICE detainer.
We wonder about the political make-up of such places like Montgomery County that allow such lawless, sanctuary places to exist in our country. We did some research. Four Democrat U.S. Congress members represent parts of the county: Steny Hoyer, David Trone, Elijah Cummings and Jamie Raskin. The mayor of Montgomery County is Democrat Doug Duncan. All nine Montgomery County Council members are Democrats. Sheriff Darren M. Popkin is a Democrat. County executive Elrich is also a Democrat. There seems to be a pattern here.
We have to wonder how long it will be for the citizens of places like Montgomery County to wake up and start voting for elected officials who will actually uphold the laws of this country. How many more lawless acts, like rape, performed by illegal aliens are they willing to put up with before they say “enough is enough?”
Only time will tell.