Letter to the Editor
Donations requested
Dear Editor,
Homecoming Week is early this year, Sept. 12-16! Homecoming Week is one of the most anticipated weeks of the school year!
It has become a custom to throw out candy during the pep assembly on Friday and much of this week in general to our students. We throw out a ridiculous amount of candy to ridiculously happy kids.
I need your help just like you helped last year in providing candy for this week.
If you could bring in a bag of candy, bite size, Halloween kind of candy I would truly appreciate it.
I can speak for all of the students when I tell you it is very much enjoyed. Every kid in our district leaves the pep assembly with a pocket full of candy (or a stomach full).
You can drop candy off with Mary Skillingstad at the High School and know that your candy will be thrown to kids at the pep assembly on Friday.
Homecoming Friday is early this year, Friday, Sept. 16.
Thanks for your help and please plan on attending our pep assembly on Sept. 16, at 12:30ish.
Todd Satter
Hill City High School Principal