Over 700 comments received on draft EA
The comment period or the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed July 3 fireworks event has closed.
The EA was developed by the National Park Service (NPS) to evaluate the impacts of a proposed fireworks event.
“The EA was open for public review and comment from Feb. 28 to March 30, 2020,” according to Maureen McGee-Ballinger Chief of Interpretation and Education at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
The NPS held three open house events around the Black Hills region to answer questions about the 66 page EA draft. The public was encouraged to submit comments online or via mail about the EA.
Over 700 comments were received. The next step is to review all of the comments and make a final decision about the proposed event.
“The NPS is currently reviewing all the comments and determining if any adjustments should be made to the EA or to the event,” McGee-Ballinger said. “The NPS will then develop, sign and publish a decision document to conclude the National Environmental Policy Act process.”