SCRUBS Camp held
After several years, the one-day Custer SCRUBS Camp continues to give high school students interested in medical careers a chance to learn first hand what those careers entail.
This year’s camp was held on Saturday, March 19, at Custer High School.
The teaching stations change each year of the program and this year’s experiences included live, hands-on stations for suturing and stitching, stopping the bleed and learning about chest tubes in nursing. Other stations focused on physical therapy, speech pathology, radiology and a lab with blood typing and immune system.
The sessions are taught by local experts who make themselves available to speak to students regarding careers, schooling, requirements and the pros and cons of their professions.
Local coordinator Dr. Joy Falkenburg said the program is meant to be very personalized with staff available for one on one discussions with students.
Several students who attended SCRUBS Camp in the past and are now on their career path were also in attendance to speak about what they are doing and how they are doing it.
The location of the event has changed over the years and next year’s event is expected to be back at Monument Health Custer Hospital.
Students in search of more information on the program can visit with their school’s guidance counselor or look for the Custer SCRUBS Camp Facebook page.